Boutiqaat in Iraq... As part of its Expansion Plans in the Middle East
A result of the Company’s Success and Continuous Growing Demand
16 November, 2021 by
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    Boutiqaat, one of the most distinguished companies in the world of eCommerce across the Gulf Region, announced extending its delivery services to all governorates of the Republic of Iraq. This step presented a new milestone towards Boutiqaat’s plans to extend its services across the Middle East.

    This expansion resulted from the great success of Boutiqaat in Gulf countries, which raised the anticipation of customers in neighboring markets, and in response to the continuous and increasing demand for its exclusive range of products, ranging from Women's and Men's Fashion, Skin Care, Makeup, and Fragrances to its audience in Iraq.

    Boutiqaat is considered the fastest-growing eCommerce platform among a large segment of audiences with distinct tastes, as it features a variety of social media influencers and celebrities with their individual selection of products available on their online Boutiques, the company also offers its customers an exclusive range of Global and Local brands at competitive prices. 

    Mr. Abdulwahab Al-Issa, Co-Founder of Boutiqaat, stated, “This expansion of Boutiqaat’s online services came within our plans to reach new markets across the Middle East, and is set to be the beginning of our global launch, and a continuation to Boutiqaat’s goal of pioneering the field of eCommerce around the world, the expansion also aims to provide an exclusive range of global and local products from a niche selection of luxurious brands at competitive prices, while allowing global suppliers to benefit from the interactive nature of the platform, which is led by social media influencers and celebrities with their followers.”

    Al-Issa added: “The worldwide digital transformation and the high demand for an online shopping platform prompted us to seek global success on the hands of Gulf and Arab youth’s energies, and in the future, we would like to spread Boutiqaat’s inspiring experience to the world, pinning Gulf countries on the global eCommerce map.”

    Al-Issa commended the reaction of Boutiqaat’s audience in Iraq, “With great joy, we received a warm welcome from our audiences in Iraq after announcing the extension of our shopping and delivery services on our social media platforms, giving them the chance to shop from a platform that brings together more than 800 international brands to cater to all tastes."

    Al-Issa stated that Boutiqaat deals with prominent international freight companies and transportation services, which possess advanced technologies to ensure the products are delivered to the customers on time to customers in all governorates of Iraq.

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