Boutiqaat TV Team Boosts Skills with Intensive Videography Training
Boutiqaat Takes the Lead by Enhancing Competencies and Unlocking the Potential of its employees.
8 March, 2023 by
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    In pursuit of its commitment to enhance and elevate the proficiencies of its staff, Boutiqaat, the esteemed leader in the eCommerce sector, proudly announces that its dedicated team responsible for managing Boutiqaat TV, one of its pivotal media channels, has successfully completed an intensive training course in professional videography. The aim of this program was to further develop the team's skills and ensure they stay in touch with the latest technological advancements in the field of videography.

    Spanning a full week, the training course took place at the Boutiqaat headquarters and featured specialized workshops conducted by a group of highly skilled professionals in directing, editing, motion graphics, photography, and lighting. These workshops were organized as part of Boutiqaat's unwavering commitment to continuously enhance its content, symbolizing a culture of excellence and creativity.

    Boutiqaat remains persistent in its dedication to investing in its staff, recognizing that its employees serve as the driving force behind its notable achievements. By equipping them with the latest skills and experiences aligned with the significant technological developments shaping the regional and global entrepreneurial landscape, Boutiqaat ensures that it maintains its position as the foremost online shopping platform worldwide.

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