Boutiqaat teams up with KOC for the Ahmadi Sports Day carnival.
Al-Hamadi: “Boutiqaat’s presence affirms its commitment to engaging with the Kuwaiti society and its interests.”
20 March, 2024 by
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    Boutiqaat took part in the Ahmadi Sports Day carnival, organized by Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) at Ahmadi City Park. The carnival featured numerous entertainment activities, sports events and competitions held for attendees of all ages, along with offering valuable prizes to the winners.

    Abdulrahman Al-Hamadi, Boutiqaat’s Public Relations Team Leader, stated: “Boutiqaat’s appearance at the Ahmadi Sports Day carnival reaffirms its commitment and keenness to engage with the various interests of the Kuwaiti society and meet their expectations.”

    Al-Hamadi added: “The three-day carnival, held from February 29th to March 2nd, 2024, successfully attracted over 10,000 visitors to participate in one of the largest sports gatherings of the year.”

    The Ahmadi Sports Day carnival hosted various sports tournaments such as football, tennis, marathons, and cycling. The company's participation in the carnival aligns with its vision to promote health and fitness and impact the community's lifestyle.

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